There are two families that have shaped the course of the Telugu film industry, each with over 40 years of history within Tollywood’s eight-decade-long existence. These families are also connected by marriage. The first is none other than Megastar Chiranjeevi, who introduced real fights and breakdancing to Telugu cinema, creating a new trend. The other is Allu Aravind, a renowned producer known for delivering several successful commercial films under the Geetha Arts banner. Their bond strengthened after Chiranjeevi married Allu Aravind’s sister, Surekha, and for nearly four decades, they have maintained a close and warm relationship.
Between the Two Families?
Whenever there is a function, members of both families greet each other affectionately. However, recently, rumors have been circulating about disputes between these two families. During the recent assembly elections, Pawan Kalyan achieved a landslide victory and took oath as a minister, yet no one from the Allu family was seen at the event. Adding to this, when Pawan Kalyan made remarks about portraying thieves and smugglers as heroes in films, the media speculated that this was a veiled comment about Allu Arjun’s film “Pushpa,” further fueling the gossip about a rift. In the past, when Allu Studios was inaugurated, only Chiranjeevi and his wife attended, while other mega heroes were absent. The media often questions mega heroes about these family events, asking about Pawan at Allu functions and Allu Arjun at Chiranjeevi and Pawan’s film functions. Chiranjeevi has always responded patiently to these queries.
Also Read : Ram Charan gift to Pawan Kalyan
Pawan’s Distance from Praja Rajyam Activities
Despite the rumors, neither Chiranjeevi nor Allu Arjun has lost their composure. Allu Arjun often acknowledges that his current fame is because of his uncle Chiranjeevi. However, trolls continue their work. When Chiranjeevi launched the Praja Rajyam Party, Allu Aravind played a crucial role, which reportedly did not sit well with Pawan Kalyan, leading him to distance himself from the party’s activities. After the formation of Jana Sena Party, Allu Aravind never involved himself in its affairs. Recently, however, some photos surfaced on social media, putting an end to these rumors.
Blood Relation Reunited at the Blood Bank
On August 15, during the flag-hoisting event at Chiranjeevi’s Blood Bank, Allu Aravind attended with his granddaughter, Allu Arjun’s daughter Arha. The little girl, dressed cutely, became the center of attraction. Chiranjeevi warmly interacted with Arha, dispelling any rumors of a rift. This event became a trending topic, and mega fans breathed a sigh of relief, believing that all disputes had been resolved. The mega family members hope that this event will finally silence the critics.