28-year-old Chennai beauty Megha Akash got engaged to Saai Vishnu in a traditional ceremony. The engagement took place on August 22 and it was attended by their close friends and the family members. Megha Akash herself confirmed the same by sharing few pics on social media. The actress treated fans to a few romantic photos from their engagement ceremony and called Saai Vishnu ‘the love of her life’. Megha Akash and Vishnu have been dating for quite some time.
On this special occasion, Megha Akash wore a beige silk saree and a contrasting blouse in maroon with the gold details. The beautiful lady completed her look with traditional temple jewellery. She opted for a simple hairstyle. Saai Vishnuwore a silk shirt and dhoti.
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Megha Akash has several projects in the pipeline, and she will be seen playing the female leads in Vikkatakavi and Sahakutumbanam. Fans are eagerly anticipating whether she will continue her film career post-wedding.
It is known that Megha Akash made her debut in Tollywood with the movie Lie in which she shared the screen space with Nithiin.