Natural star Nani is currently busy in the promotional activities of highly anticipated action drama Saripodhaa Sanivaaram, which is arriving at the theaters on 29th August. The expectations are very high and the movie is carrying decent buzz among the movie lovers. In this film Priyanka Arul Mohan will be seen sharing the screen space with Nani whereas SJ Suryah is playing a villain. Meanwhile, this giant cutout of Nani in an angry young man avatar has been erected by the actor’ fans at the iconic Sudarshan 35MM theater at RTC X Roads in Hyderabad.
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Directed by Vivek Athreya, the film drama Saripodhaa Sanivaaram is produced by DVV Danayya under his DVV Entertainment banner whereas it has the music by Jakes Bejoy.
Recently during an interview, Nani spoke about SJ Suryah and said: He is a terrific actor. I grew up watching the movies he helmed, and when he tested his luck in acting, I was curious but skeptical. Now, I am completely convinced that SJ Suryah is made to act in movies.