Natural Star Nani, who is riding high with consecutive hits, delivered one more hit in the form of recently released action drama ‘Saripodhaa Savinaavaram’ which is running successfully at the box office. ‘Saripodhaa Sanivaaram’ has already crossed the 75 crore mark and the movie is all set to join the 100 crore club soon. Recently the production house DVV Entertainment announced Nani32. Director Sujeeth will be helming the new movie that will be bankrolled by DVV Danayya and Kalyan Dasari.
To celebrate 16 Years of Nani in TFI, all the directors of Natural Star Nani are coming together to unveil the ‘HUNTER’S COMMAND’ of #Nani32 on 5th September at 11.04 AM.
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On 5th September, Nani will complete 13 years in the Telugu film industry. The actor made his acting debut with Mohana Krishna Indraganti’s, Ashta Chamma which was released in 2008.
Sujeeth, who is making OG with Power Star Pawan Kalyan and is in the middle of the production, will be joining forces with natural star Nani for his next. Nani32 is touted to be a witty actioner. The movie will be released in 2025.