Natural Star Nani is on a high with the success of his latest film, Saripodhaa Sanivaaram. By helming the film from Vivek Athreya, this has got a good response. The pivotal roles in this film were played by Priyanka Arul Mohan and SJ Suryah.
Marking exciting news for his fans, Nani’s next project has been announced, and this time the development has come from the directors who have worked with Nani in his outstanding 16-year Telugu cinema career. The buzz is about HIT 3, the third installment of the HIT franchise that was hinted at a few years ago by director Sailesh Kolanu.
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Nani essays the role of Arjun Sarkaar, a fearless and rude police officer, in HIT 3. A teaser and first glimpse revealed an all-new striking and intense Nani, who guaranteed an in-depth cinematic experience from his movie. Going by the teaser, one thing is certain: Nani will be both fierce and commanding in the film, and his movie would keep anticipation high.
HIT 3 is all geared up for a grand release on May 1, 2025, and it will hit theaters across the country. The film is jointly produced by Wall Poster Cinema and Unanimous Productions. The music of this investigation thriller will be rendered by Mickey J Meyer, one of the most energetic and evocative music composers. With its own intrigue and Nani’s powerhouse portrayal, HIT 3 is set to be a box office elephant and will further solidify Nani’s reputation as an exciting, versatile actor in Telugu cinema.