Nayanthara has responded to the controversy surrounding her recent film, “Annapoorani,” acknowledging the inadvertent hurt caused by its removal from Netflix due to allegations of offending Hindu sentiments. The actor, known for her roles in films like “Jawan” with Shah Rukh Khan, initiated her statement with the words “Jai Shri Ram,” expressing apparent regret and extending sincere apologies to those affected.
In her message, Nayanthara clarified the film’s positive message, expressing surprise at the removal of a censored film previously shown in theaters from the OTT platform. She stressed that neither she nor her team intended to hurt anyone’s sentiments, recognizing the gravity of the situation. The controversy escalated when an FIR was filed, claiming insult to Lord Ram and intentional targeting of Hindu sentiments.
Zee Studios, the film’s producer, responded by apologizing to Vishwa Hindu Parishad and agreeing to edit out contentious parts before further streaming. Nayanthara concluded her statement by reaffirming the film’s original purpose – to uplift and inspire. Reflecting on her two-decade journey in the industry, she emphasized her commitment to spreading positivity and fostering mutual learning.
Opinions on Nayanthara’s apology varied, with some questioning its necessity, citing the movie’s positive aspects, and others defending cultural references within the film. The controversy underscores the ongoing debate around artistic freedom and the potential impact on sentiments in the context of diverse cultural interpretations.