It is known that the young Telugu actor Kiran Abbavaram got married to Rahasya Gorak, on Thursday, August 22, in Coorg, Karnataka. On 23rd August Kiran shared photographs from the intimate wedding on his X handle. Today the newlywed couple Kiran Abbavaram and actress Rahsya Gorak visited Tirumala to sri Lord Venkateswara’s blessings. A small video clip of the same is going viral on social media.
Kiran and Rahsya made their debut in the Telugu film ‘Raja Varu Rani Garu’ which was released in 2019. Since then they were dating each other. After that, they got engaged in a resort in Hyderabad.
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According to various outlets, the couple plan to return to work soon with Kiran Abbavaram reported to resume shooting from next month.
On the Kiran Abbavaram, who is best known for playing the lead roles in “Raja Vaaru Rani Gaaru” and “SR Kalyanamandapam,” is currently working for a film KA, which is helmed by two talented debutant directors: Sujith and Sandeep.