Leading film star and Andhra Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Pawan Kalyan celebrates his birthday today. The makers of the much-awaited gangster drama, OG, had plans to make it an even more special day for the fans of the Power Star by announcing the release date of the film’s first single with a special poster. The events that have unfolded in the recent past have led to changed plans.
The team operating OG took to X, formerly called Twitter, on Sunday night to declare a cancellation of all birthday announcements that were scheduled. This was in respect to the prevailing heavy rains and flood conditions across Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. The team first showed solidarity with those affected by the natural calamity and expressed: “OG is a film that will be celebrated for years to come.
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Let’s get through this together and celebrate in a big way soon.” The delay of announcements was also hinted at, quoting Pawan Kalyan’s request, which shows his sensitivity about the situation. Very soon, there will be an announcement regarding the new date for these announcements.
OG, which also will be another big ticket, stars Bollywood actor Emraan Hashmi alongside young heroine Priyanka Mohan. Directed by Sujeeth, this high-budget entertainer is being bankrolled by DVV Danayya on his banner DVV Entertainment. The music comes from Thaman. The film opens on March 27, 2025.
Similarly, the unit of Hari Hara Veera Mallu too has decided to keep away from releasing special updates today as a mark of respect for the victims caused by the natural calamity. Instead, they would come up with new updates some time later.