Deputy Chief Minister Pawan Kalyan emphasized the importance of the Panchayat Raj system as the backbone of the country during his speech at a village assembly in Mysuravari Palli, Annamayya district, on Friday. He highlighted that the goal of all is to achieve state development and establish golden Panchayats. Praising President Droupadi Murmu as a symbol of women’s empowerment, he urged everyone to remember that leaders from village levels have risen to national prominence.
Pawan Kalyan stressed that village assemblies are crucial for village development and noted that Andhra Pradesh was the second state, after Rajasthan, to implement the Panchayat Raj system. He pointed out that 75% of the Sarpanches in the state belong to the Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress (YSRC) party and encouraged them to contribute diligently from the village to the state level. He clarified that he is not a person who sacrifices individuals for the party.
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He criticized the previous government for claiming to have spent ₹41,000 crores under the National Employment Guarantee Scheme but only utilizing ₹15,000 crores, questioning the whereabouts of the remaining ₹26,000 crores. He remarked that the previous administration had failed to address basic needs and infrastructure in villages.
Pawan Kalyan differentiated between his interests in cinema and politics, stating that society and village development are more important to him than films. He expressed admiration for Anna Hazare and his impact on national politics, highlighting the Lokpal Bill and the Right to Information Act as key achievements under Hazare’s leadership. He noted that Andhra Pradesh has 13,326 Panchayats and emphasized that unity and strong efforts can overcome even massive debts.
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He mentioned a specific reason for attending the Mysuravari Palli village assembly, noting that it is the hub for horticultural crops and that the local produce has a unique taste. He acknowledged that Rayalaseema is often feared but emphasized its educational significance, with more libraries compared to the coastal districts. He praised the youth of Rayalaseema for their enthusiasm, which he observed during the Sugali Preeti issue.
Pawan Kalyan assured that he would not shy away from responsibilities in the coalition government. Although he lacks administrative experience, he expressed his commitment to learning from experienced leaders like Chandrababu Naidu. He emphasized that a leader alone is insufficient for millions of people and that a group of leaders is necessary. He pledged to stand by the people during their difficulties.