Today, on the occasion of the renowned freedom fighter Alluri Seetharama Raju’s 125th birth anniversary and India’s 75th year of Independence, the government of India has planned lavish celebrations in the name of ‘Azadi Ka Amrit’ in Bhimavaram. During the occasion, the Prime Minister Narendra Modi has inaugurated Alluri Seetharama Raju’s statue in a grand manner.
Speaking at the event, Modi said, “As the country celebrates Amrit Mahotsav of 75 years of Independence, we alongside celebrate 125th anniversary of Alluri Seetharama Raju. At the same time, 100 years of ‘Rampa Kranti’ for India’s Independence are also completed. I bow down my head and give a tribute to him. Both the events will be celebrated throughout the year. The freedom striggle is not just the history of a few years, some regions or some people. It is the history of sacrifices from every nook and corner of the country.”
Alluri Seetharama Raju was popularly known as Manyam Veerudu by the local people. A series of visions have been planned by the government apart from the year-long celebration.
Additionally, the Prime Minister will also launch the Digital India Week 2022 in Gandhinagar Gujarat, later this day. A lot of digital initiatives, which can intensify the accessibility of technology, streamlining service delivery, will also be unveiled by Modi. Moreover, to allow, easy access to the internet and digital services in Indian languages, along with voice-based access and help the creation of content in Indian languages, Modi will introduced ‘Digital India Bhashini’.