Young actor Raj Tarun’s quarrel with Lavanya has become a hot topic for the past few days. A few days ago, the problem between these two became a vital subject in media. As part of this incident, within the recent time, police filed a charge sheet against Raj Tarun in the Upparapalli court. The charge sheet against Raj Tarun went on to become a strong shock to him.
Several startling revelations came to light during the police investigation. Evidence collected from Lavanya’s residence also played an important role in the proceeding. Here are the detailed aspects:
The Raj Tarun-Lavanya controversy has sent shockwaves in Tollywood. Lavanya had filed a police complaint that Raj Tarun had cheated on her and even forced her to abort.
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Since this case started, the unfolding of this case has been going on almost every day with new twists coming out. Recent developments have brought several shocking details to the fore. The charge sheet filed recently in Upparapalli court contains some shocking revelations.
The police have said in the charge sheet, “Investigations showed that Raj Tarun and Lavanya have been in a live-in relationship for the last ten years, staying in the same house. There is much truth in what Lavanya has said. After gathering evidence from her residence we have included Raj Tarun as an accused in this case.”
It is also known that Raj Tarun has already obtained anticipatory bail in this case. The inclusion of Raj Tarun as an accused has dealt him a severe blow. It needs to be seen how he will proceed in the matter.