Star actress Pooja Hegde, who faced setbacks with her last two big Bollywood releases, ‘Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan’ and ‘Cirkus’, gears up for the next big venture-the high-budget action thriller ‘Deva’. The film also stars Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor and is the Bollywood debut of the acclaimed Mollywood director Rosshan Andrrews. For latest news reports state Pooja Hegde finishes her part of shooting in ‘Deva’. Obviously the film team was impressed with her performance and sent her a heart-touching note.
The note read, “Hi Pooja, A huge hug and thank you so much for your stunning work and for bringing your amazing self to our film! Your talent and hard work gave so much energy to the sets and it really shows in the film! Shine on!!! Lots of love”.
And Pooja posted this heart-pulling note on her ‘gram, thanking her for everything. The film ‘Deva’ is being produced by well-known Bollywood producer Siddharth Roy Kapur under his Roy Kapur Films banner in collaboration with Zee Studios.
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The movie has already gained a lot of attention ever since it was announced owing to its stellar star cast and the big names associated with it. Music includes the work of a talented team since Saripodhaa-Sanivaaram-fame Jakes Bejoy will be composing the background score, and the popular duo Sachet–Parampara of Kabir Singh and Jersey fame will be doing the songs.
While ‘Deva’ enters the post-production phase, the excitement grows among both the fans and the insiders. Apparently, the movie, by the hard work of Pooja Hegde and the creative brilliance of Rosshan Andrrews, is going to be one of the big releases in the coming months.
Perhaps this might be the turning point for Pooja after her last misadventure in Bollywood. The fans have been waiting for the movie to hit the screen just so they are able to see this dynamic action thriller unfold.