Prabhas’ next film with director Hanu Raghavapudi was launched in Hyderabad with a pooja ceremony today morning. The makers of PrabhasHanu also released a concept poster and they revealed that upcoming film is a historical fiction set in the 1940s. PrabahsHanu is the tale of a warrior who rose from shadows, emerging from a society that believed war was only answer to the buried injustices and forgotten truths that history kept hidden from world.
Rumoured to be titled Fauji, PrabhasHanu will also see dancer Imanvi as the leading lady. Mithun Chakraborty and Jaya Prada are also the part of this film.
Also Read : Iman Esmail as female lead in Prabhas and Hanu Raghavapudi film
Coming on the concept poster, it shows Union Jack ablaze atop the Parliament building. The war equipments are also seen in the poster.
On the otherside, Prabhas will play a cameo in Vishnu Manchu’s upcoming film Kannappa, which also stars Mohanlal, Akshay Kumar, and Kajal Aggarwal. He is also playing the lead role in Spirit and The Raja Saab.