Recently, Hero Raj Tarun entered the film industry with a series of new releases, including the family entertainer ‘Purushottamudu.’On July 26, this highly awaited movie of Tarun and his fans reached the theatres. Due to the heavy expectations on ‘Purushottamudu,’ it turned out to be a box office bomb. Since its theatrical release did not get any notice among the audience, it was a bad collection movie.
However, ‘Purushottamudu’ is all set to make a comeback in the digital space. The streaming rights of the film are acquired by leading OTT platform Aha. As per the latest announcements, the film will start streaming on Aha starting from August 29th. The shift onto OTT has been hailed as a potential opportunity for the movie to reach a bigger audience and create a better mark.
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Produced by Ramesh Tejawat and Prakash Tejawat, ‘Purushottamudu’ is helmed by Ram Bheeman. The film stars Hasini in the lead and has Gopi Sundar’s musical score. The shift to OTT may perhaps give a new lease of life to the film for those end-users who prefer small screens over the big screen theatre experience. “The movie may not have worked at the theatres, but we are confident it will be successful and liked by the OTT audiences,” say the makers.