AICC leader and Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi recently opened up about his marriage. Rahul Gandhi said: There are no marriage plans at the moment. Recently, he visited Jammu and Kashmir and spent some time with the students from Srinagar. On this occasion, a young lady asked about marriage. Rahul Gandhi talking to young women asked: Are you pressured by your elders to get married?. At this time, a young lady asked when you will get married.
Rahul Gandhi replied with a smile. He said that he has been overcoming this pressure since twenty or thirty years. Even though there are no plans for marriage now
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The students intervened and asked him to call them if they got married. Rahul Gandhi promised to invite everyone. The top Congress leader posted the video on his X account.
Rahul and Kashmiri women’ discussion also covered pressing issues such as women’s safety and the impact of recent incidents of harassment. Rahul Gandhi listened to the students’ concerns about the systemic issues affecting women and emphasized the need for addressing these challenges to ensure security and dignity.