Young Tiger Jr NTR, Megastar Chiranjeevi, Vishwak Sen, Chiranjeevi, Nagarjuna and Telugu superstar Mahesh Babu among others have also contributed to the CM relief fund for the flood-affected regions in the Telugu states. Both Chiranjeevi and Mahesh Babu donated Rs 50 lakhs each to the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund for the flood-affected states of AP and TG. Today Mega Power star Ram Charan donated Rs 1 crore to the CM Relief Funds of Andhra Pradesh & Telangana donating for flood relief.
Also Read : Prabhas donates Rs 2 Cr for flood-hit AP & Telangana
Trivikram Srinivas who is regarded as one who creates path-breaking movies, donated Rs 50 lakh as donation for the wind the relief operations in tune with his practice of partitioning the donations equally to the two Telugu states. The producers S Radhakrishna and S Naga Vamsi came forward for the help and they each donated 25 lakhs.
On the work front, Ram Charan is currently sharing the screen space with Kiara Advani in Game Changer, which is helmed by Shankar. He has also given nod to Buchi Babu Sana for his next project.