Yesterday Mega Power Star Ram Charan’ father Chiranjeevi celebrated his birthday. On this occasion, Ram Charan shared a pic of him and his father twinning in a silk kurta and pancha, writing, “Happiest birthday Appa!!” Recently Ram Charan recently participated in a Hero Metro event, where he was asked a rapid fire by the host. Megadheera star gave interesting answers, asked by the host.
When Ram Charan was asked about his favorite actor, to which he replied: Suriya from Kollywood. Later he was asked about his favorite actress, to which RRR star said that though he liked everyone but he liked Samantha Ruth Prabhu.
Also Read : Ram Charan daughter Klin Kaara against backdrop of Eiffel Tower
Mega Power Star Ram Charan is the one star who needs a good director for a good performance. If you will see his RRR or Rangasthalam, and his Vinaya Vidheya Rama or Bruce Lee. You can see the difference. In the first two his performance was at peak, while in later 2 he was so much difficult to watch. This time Ram Charan is confident on his upcoming film Game Changer which is helmed by Shankar and has Kiaar Advani in the female lead.