A fire accident took place in Sripati Lab in Telangana’s Nalgonda district. When the reactor exploded in the lab, the staff and the surrounding people ran in fear. As the reactor exploded, smoke spread thickly in the surrounding areas. The sources say that no workers were present inside the lab at the time of the explosion. Chitya police responded to the incident in time.
The reactor explosion at Sripati Lab in Telangana caused a fire and thick smoke in the Q3 block of the laboratory, but no casualties were reported as workers evacuated promptly after detecting a gas leak.
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This explosion occurred when a gas leak was detected from the reactor, prompting the workers to evacuate the area immediately.
Fire engines were dispatched and were able to bring the fire under control. Police and firemen jointly brought the fire under control. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief as the workers of the company escaped safely from the accident.