Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy, who visited the flood-affected areas in Khammam district, took to his X account and made a post about the condition of the victims there. He said that no matter what he looked at, he saw heart-melting scenes and was heartbroken to see the suffering of the victims. The victims expressed grief that all the things in the house were damaged due to drowning in the flood water and said that he saw their hardships himself.
He said that on one side of the faces of the victims, there was an indescribable pain and on the other side, the assurance that Anna had come. On this occasion, Revanth Reddy assured that the Telangana government will solve their problems and wipe their tears.
Also Read : Jr. NTR Donates ₹1 Crore for Flood Relief in Telugu States
One of the netizen said: We haven’t seen such a CM any where like Revanth Reddy Till now. Please show some kindness to their Homes as soon as Possible. KCR should learn leadership qualities from Revanth Reddy.
On the otherside, BRS leader KTR has questioned why the Congress government in Telangana could not arrange choppers for rescue work while AP Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu managed six choppers.
Recently Revanth Reddy interacted with the people who lost everything to the flooded Munneru river in Khammam and assured them all help from TG government and announced immediate assistance of Rs 10,000 each.