#MeToo movement is witnessing resurgence in Mollywood, with number of actresses are coming forward to name their alleged abusers in the wake of the damning Hema Committee report. Riyaz Khan is under scrutiny as the #MeToo movement resurges in Mollywood. Revathy Sampath has revealed that the actor Riyaz Khan made inappropriate advances toward her and phoned her late at night.
Revathy Sampath revealed that some time ago, she received a late-night call from Riyaz. Riyaz Khan made s…ual advances over a phone call and he asked her if she could ‘arrange some women’ for him during his stay in Kochi.
Also Read : Nani comments on s…ual abuse
She revealed : A photographer shared my phone number with Riyaz Khan without my consent and called me. Riyaz asked if I was interested in sleeping with him. He also asked me my s.. favorite position. This incident happened when I was just 20 years old.
Revathy Sampath added that she never showed any interest.