Samantha is currently working for the web drama ‘Citadel: Honey Bunny’ which has Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan in the lead role. It will release on November 7 on OTT Amazon Prime Video. Yesterday Samantha posted a special surprise on her Instagram account. Yashoda actress reveals that she has started a new journey. Samantha said that he bought the Chennai franchise in the World Pickleball League. Kushi actress posted on social media that she is happy to be the owner of the Chennai team.
When it comes to the game of Pickle Ball, it is similar to Table Tennis, Badminton. But there are special rules for this. This game started in America in 1965. This game can be played indoors and outdoors, two in singles and four in doubles.
Also Read : Samantha relocates from Tollywood
World Pickleball League, organized by Natekar Sports and Gaming in partnership with Sony Entertainment Talent Ventures and the All India Pickleball Association, are planning to offer 5 more franchises for the debut season.
World Pickleball League is targeting seven cities—Bengaluru, Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad, Pune, and Ahmedabad, with 6 to be finalized as franchise locations.
On the other side, Samantha will be seen in web drama Rakhta Brahmand.