Sandeep Kishan, who gained popularity through films like Sneha Geetham and Prasthanam, has carved out a name for himself with his own talent, despite being the son-in-law of renowned cameraman Chota K. Naidu. Though his career initially faced ups and downs, movies like Venkataadri Express and Gundello Godari helped boost his popularity. Films such as Shamantakamani and A1 Express did not significantly advance his career. Recently, his film Ooru Padhina Bhairavakona received an average success, and he also appeared in the film Rayaana starring Dhanush. In addition to acting in Bollywood, he has established himself as a multi-talented actor.
Sandeep Kishan recently launched a chain of restaurants called Vivaah Bhojanambu. With the growing popularity of his restaurants, he has decided to use a portion of the revenue to help the poor. He currently provides free meals to 350 people daily and plans to open canteens in Hyderabad offering meals at minimal costs. His initiative to provide affordable food has been met with positive responses from netizens, who have praised his commitment to humanitarian causes.
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Moreover, Sandeep recently came to the aid of a person who posted on social media asking for financial help for his mother’s ICU treatment. Upon verifying the authenticity of the request, Sandeep transferred ₹50,000 to the person’s account and offered further assistance if needed. He also urged people not to create fake accounts for donations, as it hinders genuine aid.
Sandeep Kishan’s efforts to help the needy, both through free meals and financial support, have earned him significant praise. Many are lauding him as a real hero, not just a reel star, appreciating his genuine contributions and humanitarian spirit. His actions have inspired many and garnered widespread acclaim on social media platforms.