Saripodhaa Sanivaaram, starring natural star Nani, is gearing up for the grand release on this Thursday. The upcoming film marks the second film of Nani and director Vivek Athreya as they have previously worked together for Ante Sundaraniki. For the first time in his career, Athreya has chosen a mass drama. SJ Suryah will be seen locking horns with Nani in this full-on action drama. According to the latest update, Saripodhaa Sanivaaram has completed the censor formalities and received U/A certificate from the censor board. Finally facing all the movie, the movie is getting ready for the release.
Also Read : Nani: I’m Very, Very secure
In his career spanning 16 years, natural star Nani has worked on 2-3 films on average each year, with short breaks between the movies. Recently during an interview, Nani said, “The love for cinema makes me want to wake up & go to the film sets each day. If I do not work, I will miss the joy of being the part of cinema.”
Vivek Athreya directorial venture will have a duration of two hours and 50 minutes since the makers believe the story of this film demands the same.