The sea off Visakhapatnam has been a witness to some strange phenomenon of late, with the water turning from regular blue to a light red color along certain parts of the Bheemili coastline. This sudden change has led scientists from the National Institute of Oceanography into an inquiry about the cause for the discoloration.
The same is not peculiar to Bheemili and have taken place along the stretches of RK Beach in Visakhapatnam. The sea at RK Beach is said to have emitted red color some time back, too, due to which panic erupted amongst the citizens. The very reasons that led to apprehensions among the community were allegedly environmental or health issues.
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Such concerns have made some scientists, along with local authorities, initiate an investigation as to what precisely has caused this color change. Initial studies have revealed that the discoloration may be caused by the mixing of sediments with seawater. More precisely, it looks like the sea has been in contact with the reddish-colored soil of the surrounding areas, which was swept into the sea by the waves.
It was told that red soil originated from the area called “Erra Matti Dibbalu”, which has soil in the color red. This soil was utilized for embankment purposes along with filling lands in this area. Due to this soil and the waves lashing on the shore, the tides take on a reddish hue at certain points.
In a previous study at RK Beach, the red coloration was attributed to this red soil intermixing with seawater. It is believed that this phenomenon might be the reason for the discoloration along Bheemili and RK beaches currently.
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Though the presence of red soil in the water is not considered to pose an immediate environmental threat, the situation has raised a number of concerns among locals and scientists alike. That continuous monitoring and more research should be done to ensure it does not reflect something worse.
On one hand, the scientific and local authorities are collaborating closely in order to reassure the public, and on the other, to understand the environmental dynamics which led to such a strange event.