The name is enough to rake up a storm among the Telugu audiences. Rajasekhar has carved a niche for himself as “Angry Man” of Tollywood, without mincing words. Not one to be fazed by increasing years, Rajasekhar had been playing the lead in films. His last outing, ‘Shekar’, got reasonably well appreciated. But with some health problems, he went into a hiatus for some time. Now, he is back in the thick of action and essaying what is said to be a pivotal role in Nithiin’s latest venture ‘Extraordinary Man’.
Recently, Rajasekhar officially announced that he is going to star in a new film directed by young filmmaker Pavan Sadineni. Sources say Rajasekhar is showing heavy dedication for this project, which he claims is his proper return to the action genre as promised with his fans. Sources close to the camp say that the director has selected a promising title for the film, one that goes well in coherence with Rajasekhar’s tough-guy persona: ‘Magadu’.
Interestingly, 35 years ago, Rajasekhar acted in a film by the same name. Directed by K. Madhu, ‘Magadu’ came out in 1990 and turned out to be a box-office hit. Now, if reports are to be believed, the director is said to be contemplating bringing back this title for his new film as well. Going by grapevine, the actor has already given his consent to the idea. Since the name ‘Magadu’ has quite a lot of mass attached to it, the film is expected to be action-packed. An official announcement on the same regarding makers is awaited for, and fans are pretty eager about the confirmation.
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If it is to be true, ‘Magadu might be the apt title for Rajasekhar’s comeback. Presently, the film is busy with a hectic shooting schedule. While all other senior heroes like Chiranjeevi, Balakrishna, Nagarjuna, and Venkatesh have already begun acting in pivotal roles or as villains, Rajasekhar is struggling to retain his hero tag.
All the more surprising is it that Rajasekhar is taking up such an action-packed role, in the light of the recent health problems he has been facing. Undeterred, the actor has gone ahead, and the fans await with bated breath to see what look he will don in this new ‘Magadu’. For now, one will have to wait a while to find out how this iconic character springs into action on the big screen.