Bollywood actress Shraddha Kapoor is a popular name in Tollywood as the actress has shared the screen space with Prabhas in action drama Saaho, which was just average at the box office. Currently Shraddha Kapoor is enjoying the success of her recent offering Stree 2, which has joined rs 200 Cr at box office in just 4 days. It is remarkable that Shraddha Kapoor said that if she proposed to a hero, he rejected it. Everyone is eager to know who is that hero?
Varun Dhawan, who played a guest role in Shraddha Kapoor starrer Stree 2, was her first crush.
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Varun has given a special appearance in this Stree 2. It also has a song with Sahoo actress. He is the son of famous Bollywood director David Dhawan. Shraddha Kapoor is the daughter of actor Shakti Kapoor.
Shraddha Kapoor says that she proposed to Varun Dhawan once when David and Shakti went to shoot for a film together. But Varun rejected it.
Shraddha and Varun worked together in ABCD 2 and Street Dance 3D movies. After that, they were seen together again in Stree 2 which also has Rajkumar Rao, Pankaj Tripathi, Abhishek Banerjee and Aparshakti Khurana in the important roles.