Bollywood star actress Shraddha Kapoor is currently enjoying the success of her recently released horror comedy film Stree 2, which was released on 15th August in a grand manner. Today, on 21 August, the film is going to complete its first week. stree 2 has crossed the Rs 250 crore mark at the domestic box office in just 6 days. The success of Stree 2 has increased Shraddha Kapoor’s popularity even more and the number of followers of the actress on social media has increased so much that she has even left Prime Minister Narendra Modi behind.
Shraddha Kapoor surpassed PM Narendra Modi to become the 3rd most followed Indian on Instagram. And the credit goes to her movie Stree 2. Saaho girl Shraddha Kapoor is followed by 91.4 million people on Instagram, whereas Narendra Modi is followed by 91.3 million people. Among actresses, Priyanka Chopra has the highest number of followers on Instagram.
Also Read : Stree 2 6 days collections: ONE-HORSE RACE at Box office
Who has the most followers on Instagram?
Priyanka Chopra 91.8
Shraddha Kapoor – 91.4
Narendra Modi – 91.3
Alia Bhatt – Rs 85.1 million
Katrina Kaif – Rs 80.4 million
Deepika Padukone – Rs 79.8 million
Cricketer Virat Kohli 271 million (highest in India)
Football player Cristiano Ronaldo 636 million (highest in the world)