Siddhartha and Aditi Rao Hydari met for the first time on the sets of the movie Maha Samudram helmed by Ajay Bhupathi, have been in love for two years. In the month of March this year, they suddenly announced that they were engaged and surprised everyone. Now they are getting ready to tie the knot.
In a recent interview, Aditi Rao Hydari was asked, “Would you like to get married in Rajasthan or have a destination wedding?” She replied with a smile,” The 400-year-old temple at Vanaparthi in Telangana state is a sentiment for our family.” Aditi Rao hinted that her marriage with Siddhartha might happen at 400-year-old temple in Telangana.
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The Heeramandi actress added, “I don’t have many relationships. Because when I see someone I know immediately if he is my man or not. When I met Siddharth I felt that he was my man. There is no doubt about it.”
On the work front, Siddharth was last seen in Indian 2 which turned out a commercially flop at the box office. Siddhartha has not been getting hits at the expected level for some time now.