Today is the birthday of Andhra Pradesh’s Deputy Chief Minister and Power Star Pawan Kalyan. Along with his fans, celebrities and political figures are competing to extend their birthday wishes to him. In this context, the heads of Mythri Movie Makers and director Harish Shankar have also wished Pawan Kalyan on his special day. They shared a photo with Pawan Kalyan and posted a message saying:
“Dear Pawan Kalyan, may you celebrate many more birthdays like this. This year has brought you incredible success. We have cherished legendary moments with you that words cannot describe.
Also Read : Pawan Kalyan legendary moments with Ustaad Bhagat Singh team
We wish you continued to reach even greater heights with your unmatched brilliance. Once again, happy birthday!”
It is noteworthy that they are collaborating on the upcoming film “Ustaad Bhagat Singh,” with Devi Sri Prasad composing the music and Mythri Movie Makers handling the production.