The comedy father and son duo, Brahmanandam and son Raja Gautam, are all set to prove their mettle and entertain audiences on the big screen as dadu and grandson. The movie is aptly named Brahma Anandam, and it is directed by R.V.S. Nikhil. Fully set to tickle your funny bone, it is produced by Rahul Yadav Nakka under the banner of Swadharm Entertainment.
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Other important cast members of the movie are Vennela Kishore, Priya Vadlamani, and Aishwarya Holakal. The teaser of the film came out recently and has so far started to draw a good level of attention. The teaser opens with a line from Gautam. He tells one of his lines with humor. He speaks about how he said not to give a gift last year when asked during the Rakhi season. The scene moves to Gautam, who seems to be experiencing some big financial troubles.
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He plays an on-screen comic doctor with Gautam, whose timing is perfect, and the scenes playing out between the two are side-splitting. And towards the end, Brahmanandam makes his entry, making it grand and upping the ante that the movie would be thoroughly entertaining.
Brahma Anandam is readied for a December release, and with a star cast like this, it sure is one hot potboiler that’s in the making for all the comedy buffs. The sure-shot highlight of the film will be the chemistry among actors, especially the father-son duo of Brahmanandam and Raja Gautam.