Megastar Chiraneevi is currently working for socio fantasy drama Vishwambhara which is one of the most awaited movies of Tollywood. The upcoming big budget drama is being helmed by Vassishta who is best known for helming Bimbisara starring Nandamuri Kalyanram. According to the latest report, the makers of Bimbisara approached Sreeleela for an item song but the actress rejected Chriranjeevi’ film.
The shoot of Vishwambhara is going on at the brisk pace and it is on the verge of completion. The sources say that Vishwambhara will have a special item number. As Sreeleela said no for the item song, it gave a huge shock to everyone.
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The reports are also coming that Sreeleela said no to the offer despite being offered huge remuneration for it.
Sreleela has acted in Skanda, Aadikeshava, Extra Ordinary Man, and Guntur Kaaram. She will be next seen in Ustaad Bhagat Singh starring Power Star Pawan Kalyan, Robinhood and RT75.