Three films are releasing in Bollywood on 15th August on the occasion of Independence day. Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkumar Rao starrer ‘Stree 2’, John Abraham’s ‘Veda’, Akshay Kumar’s ‘Khel Khel Mein’. However, Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkumar Rao starrer ‘Stree 2’ is taking off in advance bookings. It left the other two films completely behind in this race.
Shraddha Kapoor is all set to make a stormy return at the box office with Stree 2. Shraddha made waves as Stree in the first installment of the horror-comedy, released in 2018. After a long wait, now she is returning with the much awaited sequel, to rule the box office once again.
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Stree 2 has sold more than 2.21 lack tickets for the opening day shows, making a total sales of Rs 6.87 crore. Not only that, the trade are expecting that the movie will easily earn Rs 25 crore in the first weekend.
On the first day Stree collected up to Rs 6.82 cr. With this ‘Stree 2’ has broken the first day collection record of ‘Stree’ only in the form of advance booking.
Meanwhile, in the form of advance booking in Maharashtra and Delhi, Stree 2 has collected Rs 1.87 crores, Rs 1.83 crores.