Nara Rohith is making his comeback with an interesting comedy caper project Sundarakanda. The sources say that Venkatesh Nimmalapudi has come up with a relatable topic of marriage. Vriti Vaghani is playing the female lead in this film, whereas Naresh Vijaya Krishna, Sri Devi Vijay Kumar, and Vasuki Anand will be seen in the important roles. Today the makers of Sundarakanda unveiled the teaser.
Nara Rohith is un-married, belongs to Mula Nakshatra and he is struggling to find a suitable match. He has the checklist for getting attached to a girl. In the mid, the makers weaved situational comedy. His character is crafted with a comic touch.
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Sundarakanda is Nara Rohit’s 20th film and has been directed by debutant Venkatesh Nimmalapudi and is jointly bankrolled by Santhosh Chinnapolla, Gowtham Reddy, and Rakesh Mahankalli.
Sunarakanda is slated to hit the theaters on September 6th in a grand manner.