Supreme Court expressed its anger on Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy on Thursday. Petitioner Jagadish Reddy’s counsel heard arguments during the hearing on the note case for voting on Thursday. BRS MLC Kavitha’s comments on the bail verdict were brought to the attention of the court.
It is known that the Chief Minister commented that Kavitha got bail because of the agreement between BJP and BRS. The Supreme Court took these comments seriously. A person in the position of Chief Minister should talk like this? Court asked. The Supreme Bench headed by Justice BR Gawai rejected the Chief Minister’s comments and said that the comments made by the CM, will create doubts in the minds of the people.
Supreme Court said it is the fundamental duty to have mutual respect for institutions.
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Revanth Reddy had publicly questioned why Kavitha received bail after just five months, while others, like AAP leader Manish Sisodia, had been denied bail for longer periods. He said: BRS worked for the victory of the BJP in the 2024 LS polls. There is also talk that BRS MLC Kavitha got bail because of the deal between BJP and BRS.
The bench of Justice Gavai said: CM should be responsible and it is not correct to talk like this. It is not good to drag court judgments into politics. Should we consult political leaders and give orders?