Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkumar Rao starrer ‘Stree 2’ has recently hit the theatres on the occasion of Independence Day and it has turned out a money spinner at the box office. In 5days, the film has created havoc at the box office. The audience is liking every single thing from the story to the dialogues of the film. The songs of the film directed by Amar Kaushik are also creating a lot of buzz among the audience. Tamannaah Bhatia’s dance performance in the item song ‘Aaj Ki Raat’ of ‘Stree 2’ has received a lot of praise, while Nora Fatehi was seen in an item number in ‘Stree’ released in 2018.
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The reports are coming that Tamannaah Bhatia took home a staggering sum of Rs 1 crore for her dance moves in Aaj Ki Raat. Tamannaah Bhatia’ remuneration is about 300% higher than the salary charged by Nora Fatehi.
Nora Fatehi charged 25 lakhs for her performance in the 3-minute long track. The movie lovers are liking Tamannaah Bhatia a lot in the item song ‘Aaj Ki Raat’ of ‘Stree 2’. Many people say that it seems as this song was written for Tamannaah only. She has won the hearts of the audience once again with her brilliant dance moves.