Srinidhi Shetty won the hearts of the movie lovers with her cute look and performance skills in Yash starrer KGF series. Following her successful Tamil debut in Vikram starrer Cobra, she’s now set to make her mark in the Telugu film industry with Telusu Kada. Today the makers of Telugu Kada officially welcomed Srinidhi on the board. The film has Siddu Jonnalagadda in the lead role. Apart from Srinidhi Shetty and Siddu Jonnalagadda, the film also has Raashi Khanna as the leading lady.
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The upcoming Telugu film Telusu Kada has just been officially launched on 18th October 2023 with pooja ceremony. This romantic drama marks the directorial debut of stylist and costume designer Neeraja Kona.
Earlier during an interview, Srinidhi Shetty had said about this film: I am part of a love story, describing it as a feel good movie with a lot of surprises and emotional moments.
Siddu Jonnalagadda starrer Telusu Kada is produced by People Media Factory whereas it has the music by Thaman S. The cinematography is handled by Yuvaraj.