On Sunday, a Bharatanatyam performance held at Mantralayam earned a place in the International Book of Records. The event was organized by the Raghavendra Swamy Mutt in Mantralayam, in collaboration with the National Academy of Traditional Dance from Channarayapatna, Hassan. Over 350 Bharatanatyam dancers participated in this grand performance. The dancers performed in perfect synchronization on Sunday evening, captivating the audience with their simultaneous dance presentation.
The event was blessed by Sri Subudhendra Teertha Swamiji, the head of Sri Mutt, whose support was crucial in organizing this remarkable dance performance. Dancers from around the world participated, making the event even more special. The 15-minute visual spectacle, accompanied by the chanting of Rama Nama songs, delighted all the attendees with its vibrant display of devotion and artistry.
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Artists from Around the World
What made this event particularly fascinating was the participation of dancers from various countries. Artists from Germany, Japan, and Indonesia came together to perform Indian classical dance with great dedication and respect. The international participation highlighted the global appeal and appreciation of Bharatanatyam. The 353rd Sapta Ratri Utsav celebrations, which had been ongoing for a week at Mantralayam, concluded on Saturday. The Peetadhipathi marked the end of these festivities with a grand ceremony, making it a memorable occasion for all who attended.