Fish Venkat, known for his comedic roles alongside villains and his unique style and modulation, has become a memorable figure in Tollywood. Born and raised in Hyderabad, Venkat’s education only went up to the third grade. The late actor Srihari was a close friend and mentor who encouraged him to enter the film industry. Although Venkat’s family used to sell fish for a living, he earned recognition in cinema under the moniker “Fish Venkat,” which became his popular screen name.
Breakthrough Role
Director VV Vinayak gave Venkat his big break in the film Aadi, where he played a memorable role as “Thoda Gotta Chinna,” supporting NTR. His comedic timing and dialogue delivery in several films, including Bunny, Don Seenu, Adurs, Dharuvu, and Subrahmanyam for Sale, earned him fame and established his reputation in the industry.
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Health Crisis
Currently, Fish Venkat is in a critical condition. In a recent YouTube interview, he revealed that both of his kidneys have failed and that he requires daily dialysis. Due to financial constraints, he is receiving treatment at a government hospital. Venkat has been suffering for about a year, and his condition worsened due to complications from a minor injury and diabetes, which led to an infection. He expressed his struggle with the inability to work in films due to his health.
Industry Support
Several film industry personalities have stepped up to help him. Notably, renowned producer Chadalavada Srinivasa Rao of the film Bichagadu donated one lakh rupees to Venkat. TFPC Secretary Prasanna Kumar, director K. Ajay Kumar, and others have also extended their support by visiting Venkat and providing financial aid. Venkat expressed his heartfelt gratitude to Chadalavada Srinivasa Rao, stating that he would always be indebted to him and praying for his blessings. Fans and fellow actors are urging the industry to support Venkat, hoping that he receives the necessary help and care during this challenging time.