Relentless rains in the past week threw the two Telugu states into disarray, and Vijayawada in Andhra Pradesh has completely turned into a floodwater bowl. The round-the-clock effort of the government has proved inadequate before the fury of the floods which created an unprecedented scarcity of food, water, and other essentials in the city. Under such trying circumstances, several NGOs and public-spirited eminent persons came forward to ameliorate the sufferings of the people.
Once again, the Tollywood actor Sundeep Kishan proved himself to be the most sensitive hero amongst all his mates the moment the calamity hit hard. He has sent a team to Vijayawada for the distribution of food and water amongst the people trapped in flood-affected areas. The work done by Sundeep Kishan’s team was also appreciated by higher officials like IAS officer Lakshmi.
Lakshmi also called upon other youths to emulate this role model in restoring the normalcy of Vijayawada as soon as possible. The videos of these rescue and relief operations have gone viral over social media, with fans and netizens applauding Sundeep Kishan and his team.
Also Read : Prabhas donates Rs 2 Cr for flood-hit AP & Telangana
Besides the ongoing relief work, Sundeep Kishan, in the past also, had shown his philanthropic side by donating ₹ 50,000 as medical expenses to a woman who was undergoing treatment in a hospital after meeting with an accident. On a request that popped up on social media, he immediately dispatched the money to the woman in need.
Apart from that, Sundeep Kishan runs a chain of wedding banquet restaurants from which he feeds around 300 people for free every day, especially targeting orphanages and poor roadside people. He says he is even planning to open low-budget canteens in all corners of Hyderabad sometime in the future as well.
The fact that Sundeep Kishan has continued striving to help people in distress-whatever from the time of floods to his routine philanthropic works-only proves that he is highly determined to help others in need. That serves as an inspiration-a model of philanthropy and compassion in action.