The trailer of Malayalam star Tovino Thomas and Krithi Shetty starrer upcoming film ARM- ‘Ajayante Randam Moshanam’ was unveiled today morning in multiple languages. The period drama ARM is slated for a grand release on the occasion of Onam. Mythri Movie Makers is going to release the Telugu version of the period fantasy action film ARM which marks the milestone 50th movie for the successful Tovino Thomas.
Coming on ARM trailer, the story is set in Northern Kerala in various timelines like 1900, 1950, and 1990. Tovino Thomas is essaying the role of three different characters, namely Kunji Kelu, Maniyan and Ajayan. These three characters try to protect an important treasure of the land for all three generations.
Also Read : Mythri Movie Makers Expanding Horizons with Malayalam Film ARM
ARM talked about generational honour and promises. Apart from Tovino Thomas, the trailer also gives the glimpses of Surabhi Lakshmi, Aishwarya Rajesh, and Krithi Shetty, who play his love interests across different timelines. The trailer of ARM is a visual treat.
The movie also has Basil Joseph, Jagadish, Rohini and Harish Uthaman in h important roles.