For the past few days, heavy rains have been lashing many parts of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana and floods with lots of devastation. In a commendable gesture, various film personalities, producers, actors, and technicians of Telugu cinema have come to the aid of the prevailing states. So far, “Aye” movie team, producers of “Kalki”, NTR, and Vishwak Sen are some of the prominent celebrities who have extended support to the regions.
Besides this, director Trivikram Srinivas, along with producers S. Radhakrishna (Chinababu) and S. Naga Vamsi, too shared the announcement of their donations for both states via the official production house, Harika Hasini Creations’ Twitter account.
Also Read : Vishwak Sen donates for Andhra, Telangana flood relief
They said, “Considering the recent losses due to natural calamities in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, director Trivikram Srinivas, producers S. Radhakrishna (Chinababu), and S. Naga Vamsi together decided to donate ₹50 lakhs. ₹25 lakhs will be given for Andhra Pradesh and ₹25 lakhs for Telangana to the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund.
We have been very disturbed by this natural calamity that has cost considerable loss of life and property. We pray for the quick recovery of Telugu people and contribute in our own way in this calamity.” The move has received applause among netizens and fans, as they praise Trivikram and the producers for their generous contribution.