Powerstar Pawan Kalyan, though introduced to the film industry as the younger brother of Megastar Chiranjeevi, has carved a name for himself by acquiring a massive fan base. The way he acts snatches the hearts of millions of fans not only among the general audience but also among the celebrities. Pawan Kalyan’s birthday falls on September 2nd, and the day will be a great fever among his fans. From the film production houses, there were announcements that they would declare updates regarding his films on his birthday. But now, due to the flood crisis, they postponed the announcement of the updates.
Currently, Pawan Kalyan is working for the film “OG” directed by Sujeeth. If memory serves well, the production house had promised updates related to the movie would be out on the actor’s birthday. However, they seem to have opted for a delay over these updates. Production Team:
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“The rains that battered AP and Telangana gave immense losses and hardships to the public. Due to the flood situation, we are cancelling the birthday content release that was planned. OG is a film that will be celebrated in the future, so let’s all join hands to come out of this crisis and celebrate the grand way very soon.” It is also said that the release of a new poster has been postponed.
Meanwhile, another much-awaited film in the release pipeline was “Hari Hara Veera Mallu,” starring Pawan Kalyan; it also had plans to release a new poster on his birthday. The makers have called off that release as well. He says, “The team prepared an interesting poster for the fans of Pawan Kalyan and decided to release it today. But then we feel that it is not the right time to do so. We hope everybody understands and cooperated with us.” The film was earlier being helmed by Krish and the film’s team recently issued a statement informing that he has exited the film and AM Jyothi Krishna will be replacing him as the director.