Karuna Kumar’s upcoming directorial venture Matka which has Mega Price Varun Tej in the lead role is progressing at the brisk pace. The movie will feature Varun Tej in four different looks. According to the latest update, Varun Tej starrer Matka movie music/audio rights are sold to Aditya Music for Rs 3.6 crores. A phenomenal number for the Mega hero which is also his career highest. The buzz is that the makers are very happy with the output so far.
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Matka is all about the story of a man 24 years in time with Varun Tej sporting 4 different looks in the film. The upcoming gambling drama is produced by Dr Vijender Reddy Teegala and Rajani Thalluri under Vyra Entertainments and SRT Entertainments.
Meenakshi Chaudhary and Nora Fatehi are the part of this film. GV Prakash Kumar, A Kishore Kumar, and Karthika Srinivas R are the film’s music composer, cinematographer and editor.