Celebrity astrologer Venu Swamy was in the news headlines recently when he made sensational comments on Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala’ engagement. He predicted a split between Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita. Now once again Venu Swamy is the news headlines. The astrologer’s wife Veena Srivani and he alleged to have been blackmailed by journalist Murthy for Rs 5 Crore.
Recently TV5 Murthy ran an explosive show against Celebrity astrologer Venu Swamy and his wrong doings. After this debate social media trolls intensified on Venu Swamy. The issue has now taken a dramatic turn as Venu Swamy and his wife Veena Sravani made shocking allegations that noted journalist Murthy of TV5 blackmailed them and demanded 5 Crores. The couple posted a video on Monday evening on social media in which Venu Swamy alleged that TV5 Murthy has been targeting him since 2017 to damage his popularity.
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Journalist Murthy says that Venu Swamy is cheating in the name of horoscopes. Through TV 5 debates, he will expose Venu Swamy. On the otherside Venu Swamy’s couple released a shocking audio where the couple threatened to commit suicide out of shame.
In selfie video, Venu Swamy and his wife Veena spoke about the horrifying issue. Venu Swamy said, “Journalist Murthy has been attacking me since 2017 when he was with Mahaa TV. He is trying to damage my image after he refused to give them the money they demanded.
Venu Swamy’ wife Veena Srivani said: The person talking in this audio is journalist Amar. They are demanding a whopping Rs 5 Cr from an astrologer. We have no choice but to commit suicide because after revealing all this, we have a life threat.
Journalist Murthy welcomed an open debate with both the astrologer and his wife Veena Srivani. He asked them to come up with proofs supporting their claims. Murthy also asked them to lodge a police complaint.