Once again the young and happening actor Vijay Deverakonda is going to collaborate with Dil Raju for an upcoming project. Though they have worked together of Family Star which was a dud at the box office. But it hasn’t stopped Deverakonda and Telugu producer Dil Raju from joining hands again.
On Deverakonda’s 35th birthday on May 9 this year, the makers announced the film which is touted to be an action drama and it will be directed by Telugu director-writer Ravi Kiran Kola.
The yet to be titled project of Vijay Deverakonda and Dil Raju, which was announced on Deverakonda’s 35th birthday on May 9 this year, is scheduled to start shooting in April 2025.
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Recently Dil Raju revealed that his next script is also a mainstream film set against the backdrop of the 1980s. It’s heavy on action.
Dil Raju added: I believe that the cultural rootedness of Indian films is helping them gain international recognition.
Geetha Govindam fame star is currently working with Jersey director Gowtam Tinnanuri for VD12.