Kangana Ranaut’s latest film Emergency was originally scheduled for release this Friday, September 6, 2024, but has been postponed due to issues with censorship. In a recent interview, Kangana revealed that censor officials received death threats, which is believed to be the reason behind the delay in issuing the censor certificate.
Reacting to the situation, The Kashmir Files director Vivek Agnihotri expressed his views on his X profile, stating, “No creative expression should ever be censored – that’s my personal view.
Also Read : High court blasted Kangana Ranaut Emergency censor
But if you still insist on censorship, why not start with TV debates, news programs, political speeches, and religious sermons? These are often the real sources of fake news, division, hate, and violence.”
He further argued that rather than silencing criticism, individuals should have the courage to confront it or counter it by presenting their own perspectives. He concluded his post with the remark, “Cowards only censor what exposes their ugly face.”