Natasimha Nandamuri Balakrishna was recently very excited to celebrate his 50 years in Tollywood with a grand event in Hyderabad. Yesterday evening itself was attended by a few of the biggest superstars including Chiranjeevi, Venkatesh, Nani, and Rana Daggubati who only added much glitz and glamour to the evening.
The event also saw Chiranjeevi giving an emotional speech, remembering how the work of Balakrishna has impressed him. Chiranjeevi shared that his blockbuster movie Indra was inspired by Balayya’s character in the movie Samarasimha Reddy, appreciating how Balakrishna can create magical characters, a factionist with unparalleled intensity.
Also Read : Chiranjeevi wish to act along with Balakrishna
Such comments by Chiranjeevi have brought into light the fact that some roles are incomparable with Balakrishna because no other actor can ace such roles in the genre. The crowning moment of excitement in Chiranjeevi’s speech was a film with Balakrishna, combining the two iconic characters: Indrasena Reddy of Indra and Samarasimha Reddy of Samarasimha Reddy.
He even challenged the director, Boyapati Sreenu, to come up with an engaging story pitting these two icons against each other. The idea of two most legendary actors acting together has sent fans into a frenzy. The desperation in the hope that this will turn out to be true with Boyapati Sreenu is because this might be one of those moments which get etched in the history of Tollywood. A collaboration like this celebrates not only their illustrious careers but also delivers a spectacle of cinema their fans have been long waiting for.