Telangana: On Tuesday morning, Revanth Reddy visited the flood affected areas in Mahabubabad district. On this occasion, the previous BRS government and BJP leaders were severely criticized. He appealed to Prime Minister Narendra Modi to visit the state and provide flood relief. He said that there was unprecedented corruption in the previous BRS regime.
Also Read : Jr. NTR Donates ₹1 Crore for Flood Relief in Telugu States
Revanth Reddy urged the Union government and Prime Minister Narendra Modi to declare the floods as a national calamity that has resulted in loss of life and crops in lakhs of acres. On Monday, Telangana CM Revanth Reddy asked Centre to release Rs 2,000 cr as immediate assistance.
Also Read : Vishwak Sen donates for Andhra, Telangana flood relief
Revanth Reddy inspected the damaged roads and crops along with ministers N Uttam Kumar Reddy and Komatireddy Venkat Reddy. He also interacted with the people who lost everything to the flooded Munneru river in Khammam. CM assured them all help from Telangana government and announced immediate assistance of Rs 10,000 each.
The reports are coming that Revanth Reddy also decided to increase the compensation for loss of cattle from Rs 30,000 to Rs 50,000. TS govt will pay Rs 5,000 each for the loss of sheep/goat instead of present compensation of Rs 3,000.