Devara is an upcoming much hyped action drama which is bringing RRR fame Jr NTR and Bollywood actress Janhvi Kapoor together on the screen. Devara helmed by Koratala Siva is gearing up for the grand release very soon and is ready to test the luck on silver screen. The advance bookings of this big budget drama have already commenced in the USA. Within a few hours, Devara sold close to 2500 tickets, and earned a gross of $75K. The reports are coming that many shows are already sold out.
Also Read : Devara Trailer: Exclusive Report
We have to wait and see whether Devera will break the record of Prabhas starrer science fiction drama Kalki 2898 AD which holds the all-time record in Telugu for USA premieres with about $3.4 million.
Saif Ali Khan is playing a villain. Devara also has Srikanth, Taraka Ponnada, Prakash Raj, Shine Tom Chacko, Temper Vamsi, and Murali Sharma in the important roles. The big budget drama is jointly bankrolled by Yuva Sudha Arts and NTR Arts whereas Anirudh is rendering the tune.