The fake news of Defence Minister Rajnath Singh’ death going viral on social media. A complaint has been lodged with the police regarding this fake news circulated by a YouTube channel. The police have registered the complaint.
The incident is from Shalimar Garden area of Ghaziabad. Local BJP leader Rajesh Singh has expressed serious concern over this news and has lodged a complaint with the police. He has demanded that strict action should be taken against the YouTube channel spreading such misleading and false news.
BJP leader Rajesh Singh said that such type of fake news can not only pose the threat to the security of India, but it can also create the social instability.
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Rajesh Singh demanded strict action against the Youtube channel. The Police said that strict action will be taken against the accused and the process of canceling the account of this YouTube channel will be started.
The people are demanding strict action against the accused and are talking about banning the channels that spread such misleading news.